- You will need to pre-book each class by Picktime online booking system. Please contact me for further details. (Mobile: 07919 276539 / Email: .
- It is a legal requirement that I maintain a record of your name, mobile/phone number and email address (if you have one) for 21 days in accordance with the latest government ‘track and trace’ guidelines. Your details will be held on file and maintained for this purpose and in accordance with GDPR. You do not need to scan a QR code prior to attending any of my classes.
- If you're vulnerable / shielding or have a family member shielding, then you should not attend a live class.
The price for Zumba Gold cremains at £6 per class. Payment can be made by bank transfer or cash only (exact money preferred). If you have one of my pre-COVID ‘advance payment card’, then you can still use it, but please mention it during booking.
- Please try to avoid arriving too early - 5 minutes before the class starts should be fine. Use the entrance marked to gain access. (Kindly note that your exit may be through a different door). Individuals must not arrive at the venue as part of a group of more than 6.
- If you drive and, where onsite parking is available, then it’s important that social distancing is practised.
- Please do not wait inside the venue, as this is prohibited by the hall booking managers.
- Entry will be staggered (based on arrival) with NO waiting in the entrance/lobby area inside the venue. Social distancing should be followed outside the venue. Unless you need to pay by cash, there is no need to come up to register. I will tick your name off the booking list.
- All individuals must adhere to social distancing rules.
- Masks can be removed when the windows and doors to the venue have been opened.
It’s important that you try and maintain social distance throughout the class if possible. Choreography will be adapted accordingly.
- The volume of the music will be reduced. I will continue to use a headset microphone to avoid raising my voice.
I have been asked to ensure that everybody leaves as soon as the class is over. If you want to chat to anyone in the class, then please do so away from the venue, and ideally, in an outdoor space and whilst maintaining social distancing.
In venues where there is a separate exit point, then please use that door, applying social distancing guidelines as you depart. Where there is a single entry/exit point, then you should leave in a staggered fashion. Social distancing should be followed as you depart, as well as directly outside the venue.
You should sanitise your hands upon arrival and whenever you touch a surface. Sanitiser gel will be provided by me/the venue, but I recommend that you bring your own. Please follow the government’s hand hygiene guidance.
Participants must bring their own water. All kitchen/water dispensing facilities will be out of bounds, except for emergency access.
Windows and doors will remain open throughout the session, where permitted.
Unfortunately, in order to minimise the transmission of any potential virus, it may not always be possible to put out chairs for participants. Disinfectant wipes should be used to clean the chair after you have used it, where chairs are available.
Only ONE person is allowed in the toilet at a time. I will have disinfectant wipes with me, so please take one with you before you visit the toilet to clean surfaces (including the door handles). Please dispose of the wipe in the bin provided in the restroom. Do not flush it down the toilet.
I will be responsible for cleaning the relevant areas in the venue once everybody has departed.
Try and limit the amount of personal belongings you bring into the venue in order to reduce surface spread of coronavirus. I suggest that you arrive with the relevant clothing and footwear so you don't have to change in the venue. Please remember to take any property with you when you leave as I won’t be able to take anything with me, and will dispose of them at the end of the class.
You must NOT attend a class if:
- you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, e.g. a high temperature, a new persistent cough, or a loss of or change in your sense of taste or smell.
- you have been in contact with anyone confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19 symptoms, who has not completed 14 days isolation.
- you are under self-isolation orders, e.g. you have arrived from a defined local lockdown area before any restrictions have been lifted, or from a country listed on the government’s quarantine list.
I will continue to provide a monthly video, as long as there is sufficient demand. If you are able to continue to subscribe it would help keep the numbers at a safe level, and allow those who don't have adequate space or technology to exercise at home.